Elvin Siew Chun Wai believes in spirituality and he thinks that this life is a gift and it is important to spend this life in the service of others. There are many places on the planet where you can find spiritual solitude and one among them is the great Himalayas. For many people, the great Himalayas is a trekking destination, but for me, Elvin Siew Chun Wai, the Himalayas is a peaceful place to meditate, declared Elvin in his vlog.
Elvin Siew Chun Wai does take out time to travel in the lap of nature. He is stunned to see how beautiful the Himalayas are. Much of India is densely populated, but the Himalayas does not have any population center because it is very secluded and the environment is harsh for most of the year. In the last few years, India has transformed a lot, but the Himalayas have remained untouched. For thousands of years people from all parts of India traveled to the Himalayas. Elvin Siew Chun Wai decided to stay at an ashram where people are allowed to stay.
The Himalayas are a great place, declared Elvin Siew Chun Wai in his vlog. There are so many mountain peaks and the geography of the place is great. Many people believe that the Himalayas are a mysterious place because there is a big possibility that a lot of secrets are buried in the Himalayas. Many temples were established by former kings and legendary personalities. Most of the temples still stand to this day. Elvin Siew Chun Wai admitted that India is a land of spiritual treasure and Indians must protect it.