Elvin Siew Chun Wai attends a business conference in New Delhi

Elvin Siew Chun Wai has admitted several times that he loves traveling to India and New Delhi is one of his favorite cities. Although New Delhi is not as developed as Washington, Paris and London, it is still one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Elvin Siew Chun Wai admitted that after 2014 a lot of things have changed in India. There are many business opportunities and Elvin has been assigned by his seniors to make a report on this. Elvin decided to make a vlog while traveling in Delhi.

Elvin Siew Chun Wai has traveled to India several times and he is very happy to travel by the metro. The Delhi metro is one of the busiest metros of the world and millions of people travel continuously by metro. Elvin Siew Chun Wai has said that he was able to travel very comfortably in the Delhi metro. It is a very good medium of transportation. The network of the Delhi metro is very big and all the metro stations of Delhi are well-maintained. In the coming years, the government of Delhi is planning to expand the network of the Delhi metro.

Elvin Siew Chun Wai said that New Delhi has become economically very prosperous and most of the residents of Delhi have become very rich. You can find people of Delhi traveling in luxury cars and they live in palatial homes. The standard of living is very high in Delhi. Elvin admitted that a lot of things have changed after 2014 and it will continue to change.

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